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    Business French for Beginners

    Harness the power of formality levels in French to boost your professional career.
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    Effective Professional Communication Specialization

    Impress with your business communication skills. Build effective relationships with your current or future colleagues, managers and clients for your professional success. Source:

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    How To Become A Digital Nomad in 2021

    Do you dream of living a location-independent lifestyle full of travel and working from exotic places right on your laptop? Then the digital nomad lifestyle is for you! You see social media influencers and bloggers typing away on their computers and living adventurous and fun lifestyles, but how did they get there? Where do you start to become a digital nomad? Right here! Created by digital nomads for aspiring digital nomads, How to Become a Digital Nomad in 2021 is a comprehensive course that teaches everything you need to know about starting a successful digital nomad lifestyle. With valuable resources and guides included plus exclusive access to a global community, you can start your digital nomad journey in just an hour. In this course, we'll cover

    • Starting a digital nomad career
    • Paying taxes as a digital nomad
    • Digital nomad visas
    • The secret to a successful digital nomad
    • Choosing the right destinations
    • Digital nomad insurance
    • Productivity tips and tricks
    • Realities of a digital nomad lifestyle
    • And more!

    After taking this course, you'll have everything you need to begin your journey as a digital nomad. Taking this course and using the resources provided gives you an unfair advantage over all other digital nomads out there. Start your journey strong and become a successful digital nomad traveling the world while working remotely. Source:

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    Interviewing and Resume Writing in English Specialization

    This specialization will help you develop the English language strategies and communication skills you need to advance in your professional career. Whether you already have a successful career and are looking to move forward, whether you’re looking to change careers, whether you’re starting out in the world of work, or whether you’re coming back into the world of work after some time away – if you believe in working for more than a paycheck, then this specialization will help you. The core courses cover preparing for a successful job search, including self research and research of the job market and industries of interest; strengthening your interview skills by recognizing what hiring managers are looking for and taking steps to prepare for the types of tough questions today's premier companies use; and preparing a resume, cover letter and supporting business documents. The capstone will allow you to apply the skills you learn in this specialization to your own job search. A key benefit of this specialization is the opportunities you'll have to practice your interviewing skills with other job-seekers from around the world. You’ll give them feedback and they’ll give you feedback. In this process, you’ll gain new insight into what makes a speaker successful and you’ll gain confidence in your English interviewing skills. Source:

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    LinkedIn Masterclass: LinkedIn Marketing 101


    With 722 million members, LinkedIn is one of the most trusted social networking sites in the world. The reason behind its popularity is the ease with which professionals from all fields can network with each other. LinkedIn has become a pre-eminent online platform for business professionals all around the world today. It is the go-to avenue for people who are searching for jobs, companies that are hiring, and also for freelancers looking for projects worldwide. This makes Linkedin an incredibly essential tool you should be using as leverage, to communicate your personal brand to the world and find the right opportunities to accelerate your career. In fact, if you’re thinking of getting started with personal branding, setting up a LinkedIn profile should be the first step on your list. Irrespective of the brand, industry or job profile, a LinkedIn profile is a must simply because of the networking opportunities available on the platform. Utilizing all the features the platform has to offer is a sure-shot way of impressing potential employers and eventually getting hired. Why use Linkedin? Did you know that a whopping 87% of recruiters find LinkedIn to be the most effective when vetting candidates during the hiring process? LinkedIn helps accelerate the process of your job search because most hiring managers and recruiters are already using it Having an active and well put together LinkedIn profile will significantly increase the chances of you being discovered by various companies looking to hire people based on skills and experience. What is this masterclass about? Our trainer Jeni Asher (Digital Marketing Specialist) will be taking you through the process of setting up a great LinkedIn profile. She will be covering several aspects of profile building that will guarantee success on Linkedin if followed correctly.   You will also get:
    • Certification of Completion from the Indian Institute of Digital Education.
    • Fast and Friendly Support in the Q&A section
    Who should watch this LinkedIn Marketing masterclass? They say that the first impression is most often the last impression. Your Linkedin profile is the first thing hiring managers evaluate before shortlisting applicants for a job. So if you are someone who is looking for a job or freelance projects, this LinkedIn Masterclass is just for you. Applying some of the tips mentioned in the video will definitely help you create a Linkedin profile that stands out from the rest. Source:
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    Personality Types at Work

    We will get you the skills to rise above the rest! We will dive deep into the types and teach you how to translate your new knowledge into business success by leveraging personality and emotional intelligence in the workplace.
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    Resume Secrets: Writing Resumes that Get More Job Interviews

    Why the course is important: The hiring rate is very low, and there is a lot of competition - your resume needs to stand out instantly so it can get read and you can get an interview! . Why you should join the course:

    • You only have a few seconds to convince a resume reviewer to read on
    • Learn how to avoid common resume mistakes
    • Stand out from your peers
    • Make your cover letter more compelling
    • Transform your own resume to help get more interviews

    . What you get:

    1. Resume basics, objectives, and ideal structure
    2. Resume guidelines, common mistakes, and formatting best practices
    3. Cover letter basics and best practices
    4. Video examples of actual resume reviews
    5. Resume Review course with dozens of resume reviews completely FREE
    6. Interviewing Secrets course at a big discount
    7. Free book
    8. Access to closed Facebook group for people to review each other's resumes
    9. As always, lifetime access to the course and all future lecture additions
    10. 30 day money back guarantee

    . Who it's for:

    • Students looking for jobs or internships
    • Working Professionals who want a new position
    • Anyone who is struggling to get interviews
    • Everyone who wants to write better resumes


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    Successful Interviewing

    The goal of hiring managers is not just to hire people who need a job. It’s to hire people who believe in their organization, its mission and the work that’s involved in the job position. Every hiring manager knows: Hire people to do a job and they’ll work for your money. Hire people who believe in the work and they’ll work for their passion.

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    Using LinkedIn to Get a Job Without Going Crazy

    Is LinkedIn driving you crazy? You’ve heard the rumors: 90% of recruiters and HR professionals are looking at your LinkedIn profile before contacting you. However, you have yet to gain a real, viable job opportunity through the site that fits your career goals.  If this describes you, sign up to learn how you CAN find a job on LinkedIn without going crazy. his course is perfect for everyone, from beginners to skilled LinkedIn users. In particular, I discuss not just the “how to” with LinkedIn, but also the important strategies of “why” that makes an effective job search. Using a mix of lectures, guided screen shots, quizzes, and written content, you will learn everything from the basics to advanced tactics for using LinkedIn to gain a new job. With over 2.5 hours of video content, the entire course is outlined in detail so you can quickly jump to specific lectures to answer your questions. Plus, as LinkedIn rolls out new advancements, I will continue to update the course so you always have the most up-to-date content on LinkedIn. At the end of this course, you will be able to make meaningful connections while you build your online reputation and increase your number of Profile views. And of course, you will be able to make the most of every job posting you see and find the hidden jobs on LinkedIn. Stop the insanity of doing the same ineffective strategies over and over while expecting different results. Learn how to get a job on LinkedIn without going crazy! Source:

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    Utilize LinkedIn for Career Search

    In this 2-hour project, you will learn how to utilize LinkedIn to get a career. When was the last time you had to look for a job or wanted to change careers? If it has been a long time or even recently, this project is for you! This project will show you the tools on LinkedIn for job searches and ways to leverage your profile for a position. By the end of your time in this project your profile will be ready and you will be able to apply for positions with confidence! Your time in this project may help to guide you to a career versus another job. To be successful in this project you will need to have an active, free LinkedIn account. If you need to get a strong start on your account before joining this project check out the “ Create a Profile and Network on LinkedIn” on Coursera and build your network by taking the "Strategically Build and Engage Your Network on LinkedIn" on Coursera. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions. Source: