Utilize LinkedIn for Career Search

In this 2-hour project, you will learn how to utilize LinkedIn to get a career. When was the last time you had to look for a job or wanted to change careers? If it has been a long time or even recently, this project is for you! This project will show you the tools on LinkedIn for job searches and ways to leverage your profile for a position. By the end of your time in this project your profile will be ready and you will be able to apply for positions with confidence! Your time in this project may help to guide you to a career versus another job. To be successful in this project you will need to have an active, free LinkedIn account. If you need to get a strong start on your account before joining this project check out the “ Create a Profile and Network on LinkedIn” on Coursera and build your network by taking the "Strategically Build and Engage Your Network on LinkedIn" on Coursera. Note: This course works best for learners who are based in the North America region. We’re currently working on providing the same experience in other regions. Source: https://www.coursera.org/projects/utilize-linkedin-for-career-search

sboost · November 24, 2021
  1. Examine your LinkedIn profile to make sure it is ready for networking, job searching and applying for positions.
  2. Strategically build your network on LinkedIn.
  3. Find people in your network using LinkedIn and develop a tracking sheet for your network connections as well as learn how to save content and find it later.
  4. Add recruiters and people from the company you want to work for to your network.
  5. Save positions you are interested in applying for then edit your skill list to match the positions.
  6. Create job alerts, utilize notifications on LinkedIn to alert others to your openness to a new position as well as identify your salary, benefits, desired location, schedule and hours. 
  7. Develop your profile based on positions that you want.
  8. Review and update your profile with Jobscan.

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson

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