10 ways to Develop Leadership Skills in Morocco

How to Develop Leadership Skills to Adapt to the Moroccan Job Market

The job market in Morocco has become more competitive than it was ever been; that is why the more skills you have, the more likely you are to find a job and excel in it. Today, we introduce one of the most important skills, which is leadership.

To excel in your job, to impress your employer, and to be a role model among your colleagues, you should follow these small steps to become a successful leader:


1. Know your strengths and weaknesses

You need to identify what you are good at and what you are not good at. You need to identify what you can and cannot do so that you know what to work on, what you can help, and what you should seek help or advice on.
Being a leader is not the same as being a boss. Bosses can give their opinion on anything and give orders even if they don’t do what others are talking about; while leaders must unite the team, increase productivity and maintain a good working atmosphere within the group. Leader must know what he can do well and what he should leave to the experts.

2. Listen to others

You need to listen to your colleagues and everyone you work with. Leaders are the same as the rest of the team members, they only have one additional skill that can organize the team and lead it to success. That is to say, you have to listen to everyone, then offer your point of view and your idea before making a decision.

3. Practice communication skills

You cannot be a leader if you cannot communicate with others. Communication is the most important characteristic of group work. So if you are working in a group in a certain task, you must have good communication skills in order to create a good work experience for you and your colleagues.

4. Be adaptable

Bosses choose what serves them best, but leaders must adapt to the task at hand. You have to be flexible in order to adapt to the positions that are given to you in order to be a good role model for the rest.

5. Learn from others

Always strive to learn from your colleagues because you don’t know everything; nobody knows everything.
To be a leader you must show that you are also striving to learn new things; it will motivate everyone around you to learn and be more productive.

6. Share your knowledge with colleagues

If you know something in an area that you are good at, feel free to share your knowledge and expertise with your colleagues. With this, you will earn their respect.

7. Offer help

Always be ready to offer help to your colleagues. Don’t act like the problem isn’t yours. You have to show that you are leading the group as a whole to success; therefore, everything in the project concerns you.

8. Solve problems

If someone made a mistake, or if you made a mistake on your own, try to fix it instead of harassing the person about it. Complaining and declaiming about it will only make the work atmosphere toxic to everyone around you and no body will respect you or want to work with you. You will go from a leader to a boss.

9. Motivate team members

Motivation is an important feature. For example, in football the captain is just a normal player like the rest of the teammate; he does not give orders or change the tactics, but he has the ability to motivate the players in critical situation and to keep the changing room under control. That what you should do: if a colleague made a mistake, motivate them and guide them to the right path.

10. Have commitment

You need to be the first person to commit to deadlines and working hours if you want your team to buy into it as well. You can’t ask them to meet the deadlines if you don’t. You should be the role model.

Related Articles: Top 6 Skills You Need to Compete in Today’s Job Market

Images credits : Karolina Grabowska, Markus Winkler, Free-Photos, Gerd Altmann, Sasin Tipchai and Steve Buissinne from Pixabay, Brett Jordan, Antenna, Sigmund and Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash

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