LinkedIn Masterclass: LinkedIn Marketing 101


With 722 million members, LinkedIn is one of the most trusted social networking sites in the world. The reason behind its popularity is the ease with which professionals from all fields can network with each other. LinkedIn has become a pre-eminent online platform for business professionals all around the world today. It is the go-to avenue for people who are searching for jobs, companies that are hiring, and also for freelancers looking for projects worldwide. This makes Linkedin an incredibly essential tool you should be using as leverage, to communicate your personal brand to the world and find the right opportunities to accelerate your career. In fact, if you’re thinking of getting started with personal branding, setting up a LinkedIn profile should be the first step on your list. Irrespective of the brand, industry or job profile, a LinkedIn profile is a must simply because of the networking opportunities available on the platform. Utilizing all the features the platform has to offer is a sure-shot way of impressing potential employers and eventually getting hired. Why use Linkedin? Did you know that a whopping 87% of recruiters find LinkedIn to be the most effective when vetting candidates during the hiring process? LinkedIn helps accelerate the process of your job search because most hiring managers and recruiters are already using it Having an active and well put together LinkedIn profile will significantly increase the chances of you being discovered by various companies looking to hire people based on skills and experience. What is this masterclass about? Our trainer Jeni Asher (Digital Marketing Specialist) will be taking you through the process of setting up a great LinkedIn profile. She will be covering several aspects of profile building that will guarantee success on Linkedin if followed correctly.   You will also get:
  • Certification of Completion from the Indian Institute of Digital Education.
  • Fast and Friendly Support in the Q&A section
Who should watch this LinkedIn Marketing masterclass? They say that the first impression is most often the last impression. Your Linkedin profile is the first thing hiring managers evaluate before shortlisting applicants for a job. So if you are someone who is looking for a job or freelance projects, this LinkedIn Masterclass is just for you. Applying some of the tips mentioned in the video will definitely help you create a Linkedin profile that stands out from the rest. Source:
sboost · November 17, 2021
  • Fundamentals of LinkedIn and the scope it offers;
  • Understanding how Linkedin’s Algorithm works;
  • What is an All-Star Profile on Linkedin and why it’s important;
  • A step-by-step guide to building a well-rounded Linkedin profile along with all the elements that go into making a stellar profile.
  • Finding the right people to connect with once you’ve narrowed down your purpose
  • Exploring Linkedin’s filtering options and sending connection requests based on filters like locations, language, industries, and mutual connections;
  • Identifying the type of content that you should create for and share on your LinkedIn Profile;
  • How to choose between niche and general content topics;
  • Things to keep in mind while creating content around your experiences;
  • Best practices to follow while posting on Linkedin;
  • The right time to post on LinkedIn for maximum reach;
  • How to use LinkedIn Analytics to track your performance and optimize your LinkedIn profile further

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson

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