YAZAKI’s timeline of success dates back to 1929 when Sadami YAZAKI began selling wiring harnesses for automobiles.As a truly global company deeply rooted in Japanese cultural traditions and values, YAZAKI strives to be a reliable partner to its...

Details de l’offre d’emploi / stage

Profil recherché

Attributions & Tasks:Skills:

Recherche de nouveauté

Distance émotionnelle


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Besoin de réflexion

Informations complémentaires

  • Nombre de postes: 1
  • Secteur: AUTOMOBILE
  • Formation: Bac+3
  • Niveau d’experience:
  • Fonction: Médical / Paramédical
  • Source: rekrute

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Pour postuler à cette offre d’emploi veuillez visiter www.rekrute.com.


YAZAKI’s timeline of success dates back to 1929 when Sadami YAZAKI began selling wiring harnesses for automobiles.As a truly global company deeply rooted in Japanese cultural traditions and values, YAZAKI strives to be a reliable partner to its...