4 Tips and Tools to Optimize Your Job Hunting in Morocco

Stress & anxiety Jobhunt- Sboost.ma, Formations et Emplois
Are You Looking for a job? 4 Tips and Tools to Optimize Your Job Hunting and Overcome Your Stress and Anxiety

Is this your first time job hunting in Morocco ? Have you been working for a while and now you wanna try something new? Or maybe you are in between jobs? You might be getting anxious as to what your candidacies have become? You might be stressing out about that recruiter that has called you in for an interview but hasn’t given you an answer yet?

We have good news for you! Stress is normal during this period; and in this article, we are going to go through some tips that will help you keep the right mental state for this period. We will also see some more practical tools that can optimize your job hunting.

Activities to ease your job hunting stress

It is important to identify the source of the stress, and it is also important to know when stress is healthy and when it’s not. A little stress is normal, but too much stress may lead to some serious problems. That’s why we strongly recommend you to take care of your mental health during this period by doing the following:

Build a great resume

The CV is the candidate’s identity card, it’s the first set of information your future employee will know about you. It must briefly present who you are (background, experience, …etc.) and what you can bring to the company.

Here are few things that you should be keeping in mind while creating your resume:

On a side note, it has now become very important to brand yourself on Social Media. Recruiters now, choose to look up their candidates’ profiles in order to know them more. Your presence on the web increases your visibility but also increases your vulnerability. This is why it is important that your various social networks must contain useful and filtered information about you. Take your time to feed them properly. Show all the information that will highlight your profile (diplomas, experience, areas of interest, non-profits in which you are a member…). This would help recruiters get to know you better.

This is why it is important that your various social networks must contain useful and filtered information about you. Take your time to feed them properly. Show all the information that will highlight your profile (diplomas, experience, areas of interest, non-profits in which you are a member…). This would help recruiters get to know you better.

Get organized

One of the most practical things to do when looking for a job is to create tracking systems in order to track the jobs you’ve applied to and set reminders.

We made this simple tool for you to help you organize your job hunting. Feel free to make a copy of the tool, and start filling it:

Looking for a job

There are other organizing tools that you might be interested in: (Click on the image to go to the website)

Use Email templates

One of the things that can save you time and frustration is to have a set of email templates to use whenever you want to send an email. Here are some examples of emails that you might need to create a template for:

  • Email of when you first contact a company
  • Email of when you want an informational interview
  • Email of when you didn’t get a response on your first email
  • Email of when you want to let a recruiter that you applied
  • An after-interview email

Finally, we all know that rejections are not fun, nobody likes them, and unfortunately, you can’t control the decision of the recruiter. Yet, you can control your reaction to it.

Don’t take rejections personally! Please keep in mind that a rejection does not mean that you are not a good profile, as a matter of fact, you can use this unpleasant situation to ask for feedback after you get rejected. This step will help you learn and grow and – bonus points – the recruiters are more likely to remember you in case you apply for another job at the same company again.

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