The VARK Learning Styles: Which suits you better?

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If you spent any time at all studying for your finals, it may have vaguely occurred to you that some ways of learning can let you memorize and understand better the materials at hand. You may have already found a learning style that you suits you well or maybe you didn’t and you’re still trying to cram everything forcefully.

If you’re the second kind, chances are you’re not seeing much results from all the hours you spent on studying. As you may have figured out from the title, it’s obviously a problem in your learning style and choosing a different one better suited for you will most likely solve it.

Introduction to the VARK learning styles :

The acronym VARK stands for the four categories of student learning styles discovered by Neil D. Fleming and Coleen E. Mills in 1992. The 4 different learning styles—Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing and Kinesthetic—were discovered and compiled after months of observation and tests on different students.

To figure out which one suits you best, see your result after taking this test :

Multimodality (MM) Learners :

While some people are very focused on a single modality, life isn’t always so black and white. Many people find themselves identifying with two or more modalities of the VARK learning styles. There are two categories for the latter part of people :

First are the flexible people that can change through the modalities at will and depending on the circumstances and context. Usually, they just chose the modality they prefer for a specific situation and stick with it all the way.

The second is the kind of people who can’t sit easy and be satisfied unless they went through the practices of each of their preferred modalities. While they take longer to gather the information for each modality, they often have the deepest understanding of the subject at hand.

Differences between the modalities :

Every modality is different, meaning they have different learning process and different ways to accept informations completely. To be able to differentiate between them and know the strategies of learning of each modality, choose the one you got on the test from the following :

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