Auditory Learners’ 3 Best Learning Strategies

Auditory learners -, E-learning, formations et emplois

For people with an Auditory learning preference, they tend to prefer hearing the information and discussing it. You can usually spot them saying that they study by explaining the material to others.

Strategies to Retain Information Quickly

  • Join or create discussion groups where you explain and discuss the information;
  • Listen to your self-talk, have conversations with yourself often;
  • Listen to podcasts and record the information you want to learn;
  • Pay attention to when others are speaking instead of just preparing your response;
  • Turn any graph or chart into Talking and chatting.

Strategies to Present and Explain Information Effectively

  • Learn when it is best to listen and when it is best to talk;
  • Take into account the preferences of your audience and match them;
  • Find people who are of the same preference as you;
  • Join online chat and discussion groups and make your contributions;
  • Use e-mails, blogs, and Twitter to chat with others.

Exam Preparation Strategies for Auditory Learners:

  • Read your notes aloud;
  • Take notes from different sources to have a piece of complete information;
  • Record your notes and listen to them;
  • Don’t skip classes; you’ll learn better by attending than by taking others’ notes;
  • Repeat the information to yourself so you can internalize it;
  • Explain your notes to another “auditory” type person;
  • Ask other people to listen to your explanation of a topic;
  • Turn your notes into a format you can memorize;
  • Engage your audience in discussions about the subject and listen attentively to their explanations;
  • While writing on your exam sheet, imagine yourself explaining to the teacher.

If you want to learn about the strategies of other Learning Styles, click the one you’re interested in:

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